Free &Easy Listening

Something that I’m really getting into at the moment is podcasts. I used to listen to them a couple years back but for some reason I just gave up on them. Maybe in my naive years of youth I didn’t see it as cool (because I was totes the coolest kid on the block), or maybe some of it just relied on my lack of time?
Lets go time traveling? Last week I met a young man by the name of Jake Warga. He was an American who lives in Seattle and works as a freelance producer and travel writer for companies like NPR (National Public Radio) and PRI (Public Radio International). So all in all he has a really sweet job. Here check out his website!
He showed us a thing or two about how to produce quality radio podcasts/shows and how the altering of sounds and voices can effect the ways in which stories can be told. He showed us a couple podcasts one of them being Radiolab. It is made for WNYC a radio station based in New York. These podcasts go over an hour and they tell stories on a theme. If you’re looked for a good example this one is called Escape! and it is really really good!

Escape! by Radiolab

Another very good podcast maybe this one is a little better then Radiolab, is 99% Invisible. It’s made by Roman Mars and he tells different stories with the use of different friends, specialists and guests. They last from between 6 to 20 minutes. They each focus on a different story and they use vocal layering to make it sound as if there is more then one person involved in the show. The stories most of the time centre around design and architecture of things which we don’t usually look at, in our day to day lives. In a way Roman Mars is opening the worlds eyes to things which habitually we don’t see.  Check this one out!

Vulcanite Dentures by 99% Invisible

One of my favourite things about these podcasts is that they link science, culture, media, news, humour and human feelings into one radio show.

Something which I’ve learnt throughout listening to all of these is that you can turn anything into a story thats engaging and funny. You just have to tell it in the right way. So the moral of this story is that you should all share as many stories as possible.

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